Notice to Vendors:
Deadline for all submittals is February 6, 2025 | 3:00 p.m.
Maximum number of pages: 3 pages
Submission: 5 hard copies
Cost data to be submitted in a separate sealed envelope
Introduction and Background
The Upper Community Recreation District, UCRD, located in Duchesne County, is upgrading the Altamont
Rodeo facilities. The intent is to have the upgrades completed by May 1, 2025. The restroom portion of
the project is to be completed by May 1, 2025, with an anticipated start date of March 1, 2025. The entire
project includes regrading the entire site to provide a suitable soil base for the rodeo events, new rodeo
arena, loading, bucking chutes and holding pens, an announcer booth, grandstands, lighting, fence, water,
and restrooms. Budget on the project is limited and the UCRD may be self-performing some of the items.
Adjustments to work items may be required to keep the project within the budget. The UCRD is soliciting
proposals from qualified Vendors for the various elements of the project. The project will involve
coordination with the UCRD and between the various vendors selected.
The UCRD anticipates selecting one of the responding vendors, but there is no guarantee that any
responding vendor will be selected. Vendor selection will be based upon the review of the vendor’s proposal
and cost as outlined in a subsequent section. The UCRD reserves the right to reject any and all Proposals.
Scope of Work
The restroom work consists of a restroom building as shown and described in the attached drawings.
1. Plans and Specifications
a) Proved product certification/spec sheet prior to ordering or installing.
b) Meet all local and national building codes.
2. Water supply to be provided by UCRD
3. Sewer to be provided by UCRD
Proposal Requirements
The UCRD will review each of the submitted proposals and select a Vendor based on the following
information. There will be two parts to the submittal, the first being the Proposal and the second being the
sealed Cost Proposal. The Cost Proposals will not be opened until the proposals have been evaluated and
points assigned. The Proposal should contain the following information in the order listed.
• Capability, Knowledge, and Experience of Vendor
• Delivery Schedule
• Project Cost
Note: All submittals must be clear, concise and in the recommended format, so the Proposals can be evaluated
in an efficient and objective manner by the designated Review Team.
Request for Proposals | 2
Capability, Knowledge and Experience of Vendor:
The RFQ should outline the qualifications, experience, and strengths of the Vendor and how your
qualifications are specifically related to this project. Include experience on similar or related projects.
Provide project description, date project was completed, and contact information of references for work
experience examples.
Project Delivery Schedule:
Provide a project delivery schedule. State any restrictions or limitations that are applicable.
Project Cost (in separate sealed envelope) :
Provide the cost of the proposed project outlined in the scope of work. State any restrictions or limitations
that are applicable. The Bid Proposal to be included in a separate sealed envelope. Costs will be evaluated
at this stage but may be negotiated once the Vendor is selected and the cost and scope of the overall project
has been finalized.
Submittal Instructions
Proposals will be received at CIVCO Engineering, Inc. at the address listed below prior to 3:00 PM on
February 6, 2025. The vendor is to verify proposals were delivered on time. Proposals will be addressed to
CIVCO Engineering, Inc. and clearly state on the cover “Proposal for Altamont Rodeo Project - Restroom”.
Five (5) copies of the RFP are required. The number of pages of the RFP is limited to three (3) pages, cost
proposal not included in page count. The Cost Proposal is required to be submitted at the same date and time,
in a separate, sealed envelope inside the proposal envelope, clearly labeled “Cost Proposal” for the UCRD
to open and review after RFP’s are scored.
CIVCO Engineering Inc.
1256 W. 400S., Ste. 1
P.O. Box 1758
Vernal, UT 84078
Phone: 435-789-5448
Office Hours 8-5p.m M-F
Questions regarding the RFP and the scope of work are to be addressed to:
Bret Reynolds
CIVCO Engineering, Inc.
435-790-5624 (cell) or (435) 789-5448 (office)
Questions are to be provided no later than 5 p.m. on January 30, 2025. Questions must indicate if
proprietary. Answers to questions may be distributed to all vendors based on extent of question.
Selection Criteria
UCRD will utilize the following evaluation criteria in selecting the Vendor:
Section Evaluation Criteria Maximum
1 Capability Knowledge and Experience of Vendor 25
3 Project Delivery Schedule 25
4 Cost 50
Request for Proposals | 3
After receiving the proposals, the DCRD will score the Proposals. Once the Proposals are scored the cost
proposal will be opened and scored. The scores for the Proposals and the Costs will be added together to
determine the total score of each Vendor. The Vendor will be selected based on the highest score of all